Middle School Orchestra
The orchestra program at Minnetonka Middle School East and West involves nearly 250 orchestra students in grades six through eighth grade. The program includes grade-level orchestras, which rehearse every other day during the school day. Students have the opportunity to participate in outside school groups such as the District Middle School Honor Orchestra and small ensembles. Throughout their middle school years, students have the opportunity to participate in various supplemental activities such as trips to hear the Minnesota Orchestra in Orchestra Hall, community-building retreats, and visits from professional musicians in the area.
The 7th and 8th-grade orchestras have consistently earned “Superior” ratings at the Minnesota String Teacher Association (MNSOTA) Middle Level Orchestra Festival. In addition, each year, several 7th and 8th Grade Minnetonka students audition for and are selected to participate in the MNSOTA State Middle-Level Honors Orchestra, which performs at the Convention Center in Downtown Minneapolis. Many middle school students take private lessons outside of school and participate in area youth symphony programs, including the Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies (GTYCS) and Minnesota Youth Symphony Orchestras.
Mr. Daniel Ericksen | Director
Director Daniel Ericksen
MME/MMW 6th - 8th Grade Orchestras
Daniel Ericksen directs orchestras in both MME and MMW. He has taught for Minnetonka Public Schools for nine years, starting the school year ‘23-24. During his time here, he has directed various orchestras in grades six through 8th-grade orchestras at MME and MMW. Mr. Ericksen also conducts the Minnetonka Philharmonic Orchestra through MCEC and performs in the cello section of the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra.
Mr. Ericksen earned his Bachelor of Music Education from Indiana University, Jacob School of Music in Bloomington, Indiana. He earned his Master of Arts in Differentiated Instruction from Concordia University – St. Paul in June of 2021. He studied cello with Peter Howard, Sharon Robinson, and Benjamin Karp.
The Reason Behind What We Do
Mr. Ericksen strives to teach young musicians the challenges and rewards of putting together beautiful and exciting music.
Director Michael Janning
MMW 6-8th Grade Orchestras
Michael Janning directs orchestras in both MMW and Minnetonka High School. He has been teaching for Minnetonka Public Schools for seven years starting the school year ‘23-24. During his time here, he has directed various orchestras in grades six through twelve at Minnetonka Middle School West, East, and Minnetonka High School. Additionally, Janning is the current IB Music teacher.
Janning earned his Bachelor of Music from Concordia College in Moorhead and several IB training courses. He earned his Master of Arts in Differentiated Instruction from Concordia University – St. Paul in March of 2023.
The Reason Behind What We Do
Janning loves music and working with young musicians to achieve a deep appreciation of the musical arts.
Minnetonka Philharmonic Orchestra | MME/MMW
Minnetonka Middle School Orchestra students are invited to participate in the Minnetonka Philharmonic Orchestra. The ensemble is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who are currently enrolled in orchestra classes at MME or MMW. Students will be accepted into the group based on an audition during the 3rd or 4th week of school. Announcements and sign-ups for auditions are made in class; however, communication regarding auditions and program details are sent via email to students and parents/guardians.
January Concert as part of the East and West 6th/7th Grade Winter Orchestra Concerts @ the MHS Arts Center.
MNsota Festival
May Concert as part of the East and West 7th/8th Grade Concerts @ the MHS Arts Center
Students, if you have any questions, please send Mr. Ericksen a message on Schoology.
Michael Janning | Director
Middle School Concerts 2024-25
Arrival and start times vary by school. Check your email for more information.
December 12th, MHS Arts Center, 8th grade and MHS Symphony
January 16th, MHS Arts Center, 6th, 7th, and Honors Orchestra
April 29th, MHS West Gym, 6th grade - 6th grade middle school showcase
May 28th, MHS Arts Center, 7th, 8th, and Honors Orchestra